Accounting – Financial Health Assessment

You have a physical every Year. As you go through your health checkup, you find out about your blood pressure, your cholesterol level, your heart rate, your weight, and many other items that affect your wellbeing. And when you get that assessment, you get a list of solutions, a prescription, or some physical therapy or help from a specialist. 

Just like your personal health, your Company’s Accounting/Finance Department’s health needs to be measured, monitored, and maintained. 

A Finance/Accounting Health Assessment will check your cash flows, receivables, inventories, long term assets, accounts payables, and all other debt items. It will examine equity and your operations and give you a new perspective of your financials.  

You will lead the people in the Finance/Accounting Department on a new mission. 

You will look at your financials like your Banker and your other financial partners.


Karma can help you with an assessment of your Financial Health by providing an initial report of your Company’s Finance/accounting Financial Position with multiple analytics and discussion points.

Want a Sample Report?

Contact us at 515-672-5087 or email us at [email protected]

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